Friday, February 18, 2011

NFL Judge

Jealous? Sounds cool, eh?

Oh...wait...let me clarify. Not the NFL: National Football League

I am judging speech competitions Friday for the NFL: National Forensics League. And why is it called forensics? I always thought that dealt with crime scenes. Can someone explain the term to me? Maybe I should research it before I judge?

Two of my teenagers are competing in this qualifier. Fingers crossed. The only bummer about judging the competition is I don't get to see my own kids formally speak. I guess I'll just have to be happy watching them practice in the front room. :-)

I'm looking forward to my favorite categories: Humorous and Serious Interpretation. These two categories are when the speaker takes a favorite BOOK and dramatizes and interprets a section of the book. Click here for more info.


Have a great weekend!


  1. Hi fellow crusader!

    I hope you have a great time judging the competition! My kids have done Destination Imagination competitions for years. This is the first time I'll be a judge and have to miss my daughter's performance, so I know how you feel.

  2. Fellow crusader, swinging by to say hi. (And apparently attempting to rhyme as I do so)

    Are there flags for you to throw for penalties in your NFL? Otherwise, I would think that takes a lot of the fun out of being a judge!

  3. Forensics: the art or study of formal debate. Does that help? I looked it up :) I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for your teenagers.
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  4. i fellow crusader - finally catching up! Forensics - something I know nothing about! Interesting post!

  5. What a great opportunity. It sounds totally fun.

  6. Ah--I miss that! Have fun and good luck to the kids.

  7. Wow, I'll bet this will be a lot of fun! Hopefully someone else will video tape your own kids for you. It's nice that you're acting as judge...have fun.

  8. sounds fun - I just dropped in to say hi fellow crusader - good luck at the w/end

  9. Sounds interesting, Margo--have fun! :) Enjoy the crusade, too. Today I'm working my way through the list (mostly the YAs, today). Happy weekend!

    Artzicarol Ramblings

  10. Hello! Crusader here, nice to meet you. Now following.


  11. I dropped in to say "You've been gifted with the Stylish Blogger Award." Drop by Saturday blog post ( to pick it up.

    Best of luck to your kids on their speech competition. Have a great weekend!

  12. I'm a crusader checking around and following everyone else. I used to coach forensic debate. There can be intense action in those rounds. Good luck.

  13. oooh, that sounds like fun! From someone who doesn't like sports, I think that's MUCH better than the national football league. :-) Have a great time.

    <3 Gina Blechman (fellow crusader)

  14. Hi Margo, I'm Liz. New follower and Crusader. :-)
    Thanks for visiting my blog today!
