Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy Birthday, to me!

My birthday is Saturday ... so, let's celebrate. Feel free to send cards, gifts, books, and money.
OH ...
Scratch all of that and simply send me an agent - of my VERY own! :)

That would be an awesome birthday present.

yes, indeed
See you back here Monday morning!


  1. aw, Happy Birthday, Margo! Hope you have a good one! And hopefully snag an agent, too, soon! :)

  2. More cupcakes!!!! Yum! Oh, Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy birthday!!! That cupcake is making me hungry...

    Make sure to wish for that agent on your birthday candles! I hope your wish comes true soon!

  4. Happy Birthday Margo! In your honor I will bake some cupcakes and throw them at agents until they run toward you. Get ready to catch one :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  5. Happy birthday Margo!! I am having a little glass of champagne (okay, maybe not so little...) for you! :D

  6. Happy Birthday! And thanks for the cupcake. I wanted to jump into the computer and eat that yummy looking thing.

  7. Happy birthday to you! You share my daughter's birthday - go Pisces! FYI, that cupcake looks yummy :-) - here's my birthday present: take destiny in your own hands (don't wait for an agent to waive a wand), retain the intellectual property of your book(s) and find a way to self-publish and self-promote. If you build it they will come!

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!

    Christi Corbett

  9. Happy Birthday girl! I hope you have an awesome weekend!

  10. Happy Birthday to YOUUUU! Happy Birthday to YOUUUU! Happy Birthday dear Margoooo! Happy Bithday to YOUUUUU!

    Wow, I out did myself there. I sang that just like Dolly Parton. It was that good.

    Have a wonderful birthday :)

  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARGO! *cue confetti falling* I hope that today was an amazing day and that the agent you are wishing for comes sweeping across your phone/internet lines very soon! :D

  12. I'm a little late, but here's hoping you had a splendid birthday full of perfect dreams. May the next year be fabulous!!

  13. Happy Birthday. I'm gift wrapping an agent as we speak although she might be a little miffed when gets to you. Ha!

  14. Happy belated Birthday! Hope it was wonderful and I wish I could gift wrap agents for all of us!

  15. Happy, happy belated birthday Margo! Hope it was a great day!

    My present? I stopped by to tell you that I featured your blog in my latest "Who do I love?" post. I used an excerpt from one of your posts to illustrate your style. If you want me to take it down for whatever reasons, just shoot me an e-mail and I'll remove it ASAP.

    Here's the link:
