Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden

Today, I'm sending my oldest child (17-yr-old son) to Washington D.C. - - - the day after the U.S. killed Osama Bin Laden.

This morning's news shows large celebratory crowds outside of the White House.

My son has tickets to tour the White House tomorrow.

Nearly ten years ago, on 9/11/01, I was so freaked and tramatized by the towers falling and the Pentagon burning and airplanes crashing, that I went straight to my children's elementary school and pulled them out of class. I thought the world was coming to an end (or at least the U.S. was being invaded), and I wanted my young children within my grasp. Only a handful of parents reacted the way I did. Oh well.

Now, instead of keeping my son within my grasp, I will be driving him to the airport so that he can travel to the heart of our nation. It makes my stomach knot just a bit.


  1. I lived in DC for a couple of winters ('06 and '07). Security measures there are incredibly intense, and will probably be moreso now. I am sure your son will be fine.

  2. Scary. I'm sure it will be fine, though. Keep your chin up.

  3. So hard to let them go, isn't it? My kids are all grown-up adults now, but I still wonder where they are whenever I hear a siren.

  4. The security measures are amazing there now. And you were not one of the few parents. I work in an elementary school and we spent the entire day calming down parents by phone, and at the front counter. They all came to pick up their children. And all we could think about was our own children and wish we were with them. It is a vivid memory I will never forget.

  5. My thoughts are with you! I was here at Randolph AFB, the AF headquarters. While I was at school teaching, they closed the base down until further notice and I lived on base. I had to go with a friend. My hubby was stuck on base. It was awful. Call me if you need to talk. I'm here!

  6. I'm sure he will be safe and sound. Security there will be unbelievable. Your son will remember this experience for the rest of his life. We are witnessing history in the making. Prayers.

  7. You must be the first American I've come across in the last 24 hours who DIDN'T rejoice at the death of bin Laden! Refreshing!

    Duncan In Kuantan
