Friday, April 27, 2012


As we near the end of another LONG A to Z Challenge, I figured we could all use a little calming influence.

Xanax: Also known as Alprazolam is used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. It belongs to a class of medications called benzodiazepines which act on the brain and nerves (central nervous system) to produce a calming effect. It works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural chemical in the body (GABA). (source:

Book Drive Update: The goal is 500 books (or monetary equivalent) for teenagers during the month of April. So far, we've received 14 books and $105.

... uh ... this number hasn't budged in the last two weeks! YIKES!

PLEASE HELP US OUT and donate a book or a buck for this worthwhile cause. The donate button is on the blog's right side bar, and you can find complete details by CLICKING HERE!


  1. Xanax is a great X word. The first three weeks flew by. These last few letters are killing me.

  2. Bravo for getting this far. Hopefully without the Xanax!

  3. Hey - a new X word. I've visited a bunch of A to Z posts this morning and seeing a lot of repeat. Kudos for coming up with a new one.

    I applaud your book drive for teens but I'm already supporting one closer to home. I wish you luck on yours.

  4. I'm impressed with the participants for this blog fest. I'm thinking Xanax is perfect for all about now. Or a nice glass of your alcohol of choice. :-)

    I just took two big boxes of book down to my library for donation.


  5. Xanax is a cool word, sort of like xerox and...Xerxes... hehe

  6. Nice X word. It always reminds me of the hilarious scene from the movie "Six Days, Seven Nights." :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'm thinking of a nice red wine or single-malt scotch, very similar to Xanax but tastes better ;-) If you get a minute, visit my blog at Happy blogging!

  9. Hi Margo, interesting post for the letter X.
