Friday, November 1, 2013

NaNoWriMo: Are You In?

Well ... today is November 1st. Are you participating in NaNoWriMo?

Click here for the official website for NaNoWriMo.
Across the internet, there are lots of great tips and tools to utilize during the month (like this one over at Writer's Digest), but will you be surfing the net looking for writing aides, or will you be nose-to-the-keyboard writing your next masterpiece?


  1. For me, NaNo is a big NaNo-No!

    I wish the best to all who take the plunge, but I'm gonna sit this one out, thank you very much. I already beat myself up over not writing enough -- I don't need to add the pressure of an accelerated, artificial, and arbitrary goal to the burden. :)

    I'll take my November self-flagellation in my usual smaller daily doses...

  2. No, I'm not doing it this year. Best wishes to all who are doing NaNo!
