Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Great #Online #Safety Discussion at Nampa Library

My daughter and I, along with a representative from the Attorney General's Office, discussed online safety Monday night at the Nampa Public Library.

We shared statistics from the STOP. THINK. CONNECT. campaign, such as 75% of children will share personal information in exchange for goods and services.

Officer Benkula, from the Attorney General's Office, explained how easy it is for a predator to know your location when you use your smart phone to access social media sites.

I explained my perspective (as a parent) of what happened in real life when my daughter was nearly abducted by an internet predator.

My awesome daughter explained her perspective of what happened when she was sucked into this guy's world and how it made her feel about herself and life.

I did a short reading from my debut novel WHO R U REALLY? (which was inspired by the events that happened to my daughter).

We answered questions about safe online habits, what scenes were real in the book, and how my daughter is doing now. (Which, by the way, she is doing awesome. These events happened in real life over six years ago. She is happy and healthy and making great choices.)

It was especially nice to meet the man who wrote my FAVORITE review of WHO R U REALLY?! click here to read it

And a big thanks goes to the wonderful librarians of the Nampa Public Library. Thanks Ashley and Laura!

To read Ashley's review of WHO R U REALLY? click here!


If your school, book club, or library is interested in scheduling an event, please click on the "appearances" tab at the top of this page.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a wonderful presentation. Those in attendance were very fortunate,
