Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Best #Bloggers = Dorothy Dreyer & Dream Big, Write Often

Featured for today's #AtoZChallenge: @DorothyDreyer & Dream Big, Write Often

Over the years I've learned so much, made so many friends, and been uplifted by so many great bloggers! As a result, I'm recognizing some of the best bloggers for this year's A to Z Challenge. These bloggers have shared knowledge, promotions, jokes, guidance, support, and more. Scroll on down to meet the next set of bloggers.

To the BEST BLOGGERS in the world - I say, "Thank you!"

D is for Dorothy Dreyer and Dream Big, Write Often (Melissa Wray's Blog).

Dorothy Dreyer is a Philippine-born American living in Germany, writing young adult books that usually have some element of magic or the supernatural in them. Her blog features interviews with aspiring writers, making announcements of their good news and progress. One of my favorite posts is an interview with Deborah Halverson, author of Writing YA Fiction for Dummies. Halverson said, "First drafts are notoriously ugly because writers are initially just trying to get the characters and events pinned down. Making everything pretty is for later drafts. However, I find it very difficult to let the ugliness just sit there and wait for those later drafts. I can’t stand knowing Ugly is there, so I continuously battle the urge to go back and rework those first words until they’re no longer horrific."

Melissa Wray's blog, titled Dream Big, Write Often, features authors "in conversation" about their journey and writing tips. Each interview contains tons of valuable information about the publication process.

Please take two minutes to stop by these two awesome blogs and thank them for all they contribute to the blogosphere!


  1. Dorothy's blog is so beautiful, and Melissa's blog is fun!

  2. Oh great! Heading to those blogs now!

  3. Hearing about one's writing history leading up to writing for herself was wonderful.

  4. I love meeting new bloggers that others I respect in the community recommend. Thanks, Margo.

  5. Hello there.
    Just making my way around the AtoZ Challenge. Thanks for sharing.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess

  6. Great post... will go and say hello:)

  7. This is a really good idea for the A to Z Challenge. I love the idea of using your blog to showcase the blogs of twenty-six other people. :-)

    Cait @ Click's Clan

  8. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Will check these blogs out. I like the name "Dream Big Write Often" Thanks for sharing.

  9. Thanks for the introduction to these bloggers. I always have my eye out for good writing blogs. What a generous theme you've chosen--sharing all the bloggy goodness and promoting your faves. Great idea!

  10. Wow, thanks Margo for promoting my blog! Will have to check out all the other ones.

  11. Thank you everyone for stopping by and commenting! :)
