Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Best #Bloggers = Yvonne Ventresca & YA Asylum

Featured for today's #AtoZChallenge: @YvonneVentresca & YA Asylum

Over the years I've learned so much, made so many friends, and been uplifted by so many great bloggers! As a result, I'm recognizing some of the best bloggers for this year's A to Z Challenge. These bloggers have shared knowledge, promotions, jokes, guidance, support, and more. Scroll on down to meet the next set of bloggers.

To the BEST BLOGGERS in the world - I say, "Thank you!"

Y is for Yvonne Ventresca and YA Asylum.

Yvonne Ventresca is a wonderful YA author, but she is also an advocate for teen writing. In a recent post, she shared details about other sites that also support teen writing. During the A to Z Challenge, Yvonne is sharing productivity tips - - - which I think we can all benefit from! ;)

YA Asylum is a fantastic book blog. The site reads, "YA Asylum is a collaboration book blog with a focus on young adult. We have way too many books for our own good, but are constantly adding to our TBR shelves. YA Asylum is a book blog with a touch of horror, since we’re all lovers of the genre."  

Please take two minutes to stop by these two awesome blogs and thank them for all they contribute to the blogosphere!

1 comment:

  1. Yvonne has given some great tips.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author
