Thursday, April 2, 2015

YA Scavenger Hunt!

 YASH has ended. Thanks to everyone who participated!
The winners of WHO R U REALLY? are:
Audiobook download: Rotem Atzaba
Signed hardback: Mary Perez
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Scavenger hunts are always fun. Those pictures are lovely! And I love the cover art for Touching the Surface. :)

  2. Scavenger hunts are always fun. Those pictures are lovely! And I love the cover art for Touching the Surface. :)

  3. I prefer old fashioned paperback books.

  4. I love old fashioned books, but I also love reading on my ereader as my arms get tired when holding a large hardbound book.

  5. I most definitely prefer old fashioned books. I love the weight of the book in my hand and the smell of the paper. I'm coming around a little bit more to ebooks, and I love listening to audiobooks in my car while I drive, but my top choice would always be the old fashioned book.

  6. Old fashioned books all the way.
    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  7. I will read an e-book if I have no other option and I've never listened to any audiobooks,so I prefer old fashioned books!

  8. I prefer old fashioned book!

  9. Old fashion books, but I don't mind ebooks at all. And I love audiobooks, especially when I'm having a hard time getting through the story.

  10. I really enjoy both old fashion books and ebooks. I really don't like audio because I like to see the words I am reading. Thanks for the giveaway.

  11. I like old fashioned books the best, ebooks for novellas or other stories that do not have print editions, and audiobooks (if I like the voice, such as Jim Dale) when traveling).

  12. I prefer old-fashioned books, though I'm growing fond of e-books as well. :)

  13. In the long run, I prefer good old-fashioned books. I love the way they look on my bookshelves!

    For practicalities' sake, however, I admit that I love my Kindle. <3

  14. I do a little bit of all three. I love a good audiobook if it has a good reader. (Like The Maze Runner series - that was awesome on audiobooks) and I have a good collection of printed and e books that I read from depending on my mood.

  15. I love all three but I really love audio since I can listen to books quicker than read them with 3 boys! Thanks for the chance!

  16. Hrm, for me it's a tie between e-books and "old-fashioned" books. I'm really not a fan of audio at all; I'm more of a visual person, so seeing the words written on a page creates a greater connection for me. Even if I can understand what people are saying while watching a tv show, I'll still read the subtitles! (I know, weird, right?!)

    E-books are nice because of their portability--and because if I change my mind about what I'd like to read, I can pick from hundreds of books without a hitch. Also, highlighting is nice (I usually dog-ear pages).

    I like paper books because there's something special about flipping pages rather than swiping, about huddling by my lampstand until 3am because I just had to know what happened, about dog-earing actual pages...and being able to give a book the silent treatment if the relationship gets complicated (aka something horrible happens and makes me really, really sad lol).

  17. I prefer old fashioned books even though most of the time I only have e-books. E-books are great because you can bring hundreds of books through your e-book reader but, e-books drain my battery fast and it hurts my eyes when I read in e-books too long. In old fashioned books, I really like holding the book, admiring the cover and smelling the paper. Also, it looks good on my bookshelf and it doesn't make my eyes hurt! :)

  18. Old fashioned books, I love holding them in my hands and not looking at a computer screen.

  19. Old fashioned books all the way!!! There's something about holding a book in my hands that I love.

  20. Old fashioned books have it all—the covers, the feel, the no-battery advantage, and the look on the bookshelf. But yes, ebooks are great too :)

  21. I really love old fashioned books, they rocks!

  22. I'm really an old fashioned books kind of person :3

  23. I prefer books. I like the pretty covers displayed on my shelves! :-) I also like eBooks, though I don't have much experience with audiobooks. Thanks for taking part in YASH & for the giveaway!

    Kim Waters

  24. Definitely books! I just can't read on ebooks and I get distracted when I listen to audiobooks!

  25. I prefer physical copies of books, but have started to really like listening to audiobooks when my hands are not free (cleaning, driving, etc). Thanks for being a part of YASH

  26. I prefer the old school paperback copies of the books. I have begun to embrace ebooks and audio books. I think it depends on what I'm doing. Audio books are great for the long rides home. Ebooks are great for traveling, but when I'm at home....books are the best. :)

  27. I always prefer the old fashion books, but I like listening to audiobooks when I'm baking. I only have Colleen Houck's books, but I'm hoping to get more soon.

  28. I prefer old-fashion bookks!!

  29. Great post! I feel like I prefer reading ebooks but I definitely collect "real" books! Thanks for participating in the YASH! xo

  30. I prefer old fashioned books :)

  31. Do you prefer audiobooks(for car rides to college) and old fashioned books (for me alone time)

  32. Old fashioned books. I have a nook, but it's just not the same as holding the physical copy in your hands!

  33. I prefer ebooks :) I like being able to fit my entire library in my purse!!

  34. can ever decide between real books and e books, cause nothing beats the paper in your hand and a feeling but ebooks are cheaper a more practical to carry around

  35. depends on my mood, really. i read both just about equally. i do treasure my signed hardcopy books more than my nook, though, so maybe that's the tie-breaker.

  36. Old fashioned books, but I also like audiobooks for long journeys

  37. Thanks to everyone who participated!

    The winners of WHO R U REALLY? are:
    Audiobook download: Rotem Atzaba
    Signed hardback: Mary Perez
