Wednesday, October 7, 2015

#IWSG: Answers to All Your #Writing & #Publishing Questions

... actually ...

Today, I have answers to THREE questions. (read on below)

The first Wednesday of the month is INSECURE WRITER'S SUPPORT GROUP, and for today, I am sharing three great blog posts regarding this wonderful industry of ours. :) Enjoy.

Ever wonder what it really feels like to launch a book? Libba Bray captures the essence is this hilarious blog post: DEAR FRIENDS

Ever wonder what to do about sitting too much as a writer? Here's post with helpful pictures: 6 SIMPLE STRETCHES TO COMBAT SITTING TOO MUCH

Ever wonder what you should say when trying to convince a bookseller to stock your book? Here's a great post from the American Booksellers Association: HOW TO TALK TO A BOOKSELLER

Happy writing! :)


  1. Yes. Yes. And yes! Good questions and great links. Thanks.

  2. I'm going to bookmark the stretching one because hubby has a sitting job and he could use those.
