Wednesday, June 1, 2016

#IWSG: Helpful Tips for #Writers

I love coming across blog posts with useful information, and today, I'm sharing links to a few that I've recently discovered. Simply click on the titles below, and it will take you to the full posting.

What It's Like to Land a Book Deal: "Landing a book deal is strapping on a parachute and opening the airplane door. Wonderful things can happen, and it only takes one small step. When you get here, you’ll understand. And when you finally hear that glorious “yes,” you’ll realize that “The End” is really just the beginning."

Not All Book Sales Are Created Equal: "In the hierarchy of power purchases the pre-order is the heavy hitter. Why? Because print runs (the number of books initially printed) for books coming out in hardback or paperback are set, in part, based on a title’s pre-order numbers."

16 Experts Share Online PR Tips: "You want to sell your story without coming across as pushy. But it’s often a delicate balancing act, one that’s always changing as new tools and practices emerge."

Happy writing! :) 

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