Wednesday, August 3, 2016

#IWSG: 3 Helpful Writing Sites + 2 Giveaways for UNLOCKED

The first Wednesday of the month is Insecure Writer's Support Group! For more information about this terrific group of writers, visit the main site at:
One of the things I find most helpful is when other writers share useful information about the craft and career of writing. Here are some sites with great writing topics, which I recently found informative and inspiring:

123 Ideas for Character Flaws
7 Things Professional Writers Know
How to Write a Thriller

AND ... before you go ... let me tell you about two giveaways currently happening for my next novel, UNLOCKED.

First: My publisher, Merit Press, is giving away 25 hardback copies of UNLOCKED over at Goodreads. Hop on over there and enter to win!

Second: As a thank you for your continued support, I'm offering a separate giveaway, for YOU, here! I am giving away a signed Advance Reader Copy of UNLOCKED. (Contest open internationally.) You can earn an entry into the random drawing for each of the items below - for each day of the contest. Simply email me at: margokelly1 @ outlook . com (without the spaces) and let me know which items you've completed. Hurry, this IWSG giveaway will close 8/7/16. Winner will be announced here and by email.

1. Share the link to the Goodreads giveaway on Twitter and tag @MargoWKelly and @Merit_Press

2. Join the social media "Book Blitz" hosted by YA Bound Book Tours - CLICK HERE

3. Share this picture (if you'd prefer I email you a .jpg - just let me know) on any social media and tag me if possible:


  1. Thanks for sharing the websites.
    Congratulations also on your book Unlocked and all the best in sales.
    Shalom aleichem,

  2. Thanks for the links. I have to check them out.

  3. Congratulations on your upcoming release!
