I need a HOOK for my book so agents will look...
Couldn't I just attach a five dollar bill instead?
I will write an awesome query letter today with an awesome hook.
Couldn't I just say, "Dear Agent, My book is awesome. Read it. Love it. Thanks." ???
According to Janet Reid (aka the Query Shark), you should not lead with a dependant clause. Oops.
According to another agent, you should start with the story hook. Another agent says start with the title, genre, and word count. Another agent says give a bio. But another says a bio is irrelevant.
Here's the above paragraph retold in a joke format (borrowed from: Agent Rachelle Gardner's blog):
How many agents does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Agent 1: Sorry, we're not accepting screw in light bulbs anymore. Bayonets only, and we only get them from the store.
Agent 2: We considered your light bulb but it's a bit too modern. Have you tried turning it into a candle?
A3: Loved your light bulb. Great light. Lots of illumination. Unfortunately, the agency's decided to remain in the dark indefinitely.
However, the agents all seem to agree that a HOOK is essential for them to want to LOOK at your BOOK.
Can you describe your favorite book with a one line hook?
i would look a little bit longer for $5
ReplyDeleteWell, now "anonymous"... are you a member of the AAR or just out for a quick $5? hmm? Either way IT'S A DEAL!