Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Janet Reid, Literary Agent

Last night I enjoyed a fantastic dream...

Janet Reid, superstar agent, sent me a telegram (first clue it was a DREAM!). Her telegram read something like this:

Dear Margo. stop.
After seeing your blog. stop. And reading your short stories on your website. stop. I have reconsidered. stop. I made a terrible mistake rejecting your query. stop. Please send me a full right away. stop. Actually, forget the full. stop. I've enclosed a contract. stop. I want to represent you. stop.
Sincerely. stop.
Janet Reid, Literary Agent. stop.

HA Ha ha.

Then I woke up and checked my email...

Four new Viagra emails, but nothing from Janet or any other literary agent. *sigh*

If you'd like to read my short stories, check out my website:

If you'd like to know more about Janet (aka the Query Shark) visit her blog:


  1. It was a good dream right? I'm stuck reliving horrible things that happened in high school in my dreams.

    I love how us women get viagara emails btw

  2. Yup... it was an EXCITING dream. But, disappointing to see only the viagra emails in reality. ha.

  3. It's all a matter of perspective. For some people the viagara emails ARE the highlight of their days...
