Monday, November 14, 2011

A to Z Challenge

Put it on your calendar.

I know ... seems so far away ... but this is an exhausting marathon of a blog hop. However, the challenge is rewarding (personally). So, check it out, sign up, and start preparing now for the big event.

For more information:

To read my posts from last year, click on the April 2010 link in the sidebar. Some of the posts continue in my most popular posts list.

Have you heard of any great upcoming blog hops? Do you hate blog hops?


  1. I LOVE blog hops! They can be exhausting, but super fun too!

  2. Oh I am so tempted. I said I wasn't going to do it in 2012 but i'm weakening. You are right it is exhausting but fun.
    I love blogfests and challenges. Keeps my brain active and my juices creative!
