Monday, February 6, 2012

First Page of MANIFESTED up for Critique

Oh boy! Today, the first page of my ms, MANIFESTED (currently under major revision), is up for critique on Dianne Salerni's blog! and on Marcy's blog!

So, hop on over there and check it out.

THEN, if you'd like to read the entire chapter, visit my author website at: 

Have a great MONDAY.


  1. Thanks for stopping by Margo. Good luck with the critique. I look forward to the challenge. Love Rach's challenges.

  2. I love you Margo! You're such a talented and gorgeous woman. I am so happy to follow your journey!


  3. Ooh, public critique. That's gotta be scary!
    I'm in the YA group with you for the Fourth Campaign. Bring on the challenges!

    xx Rachel

  4. Oh wow congrats. Good for you having a public critique. I will hop over now.

  5. Hi Margo! New follower here... found you by the campaign! I looove being connected with other writers... nice to meet you :D

  6. Hi, Margo! A public critique? You're so brave! I can't wait to check it out. :)

  7. Hey, Margo! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! I'm a new follower. :)

  8. Hi, Margo! Thanks for sharing your page for First Impressions! It was interesting to learn that you'd already tried what I suggested and got negative feedback from CP's. Hmmm. I bet there's a way around the problem!

    First pages are so tricky. I think the first page of every one of my manuscripts has been re-written a dozen times!!

  9. We are in the same group for the platform-building campaign so I thought I would stop by and say hi!

  10. Well done for sharing your work! I'm sure you'll get some great feedback.

  11. Hope you get a lot of great feedback on your page.
