Monday, April 2, 2012

Book Drive for HS Library

All over the blog-o-sphere you will find book give-aways ... everything from a single book to boxes full of books. Authors give books; bloggers give books; publishers gives books; and so on. But I'm not giving away a book today.

Instead ... I'm asking you to give a book today ... or more specifically:

Give a BOOK to Columbia High School's Library! (please?)

Teenagers need books to read, and the shelves of this library are TOO bare! Help us out and either send me a book (leave your email in the comments below, and I'll send the shipping address to you) or click on the Paypal button to donate $$ for a book (or two).

So, go through your bookshelves or your wallet, and let's make some magic happen for teenage readers! Your support is greatly appreciated.

According to the school policies:

Subject Areas and Formats Collected
           Because this is an organization of higher learning our resources are chosen by their educational value and subject relevance.  Learning resources shall meet high standards of quality in factual content and presentation and are consistent with the educational goals of the Nampa School District.  Our collection emphasizes the following:
  • Lifelong learning
  • Student aspirations including university studies and workforce training
  • Recreational reading and research
  • General core curriculum research and guidance
  • Local and international culture studies
  • Reference services
 Must have quality construction and durability, and should contain obvious literary or informative value.

·         Unsolicited donations will be reviewed in light of the selection criteria listed in this policy. Materials that do not meet these criteria will be offered to teachers for their classroom collections if no teacher sees a need for the material it will be offered back to the donor.
·         Reference materials will only be accepted as complete sets and should not be more than 5 years old.
·         Parties interested in donating items to the library must understand that the library staff cannot evaluate of the monetary value of any gift for income tax purposes.
·         Donors must understand that the library is in no way obligated to keep or circulate donated materials.

Please help to spread the word by sharing the link to this blog page on your blog, twitter, facebook, and email.


  1. This is awesome! I should do something like this for the schools in my county. I'll be sending a book or two your way. :)

  2. What a great way to solicit some books! I hope you get a tremendous response!

  3. I wish you success with this. We used to have something similar at the Summer Fete - people would buy a book for the (primary school - 4 to 11-year-olds) library. Sometimes it was hard for the younger children to understand!

  4. My writing group donates books to our local library at the end of the year. I hope you get a lot of donations for yours!
    Great A-Z post!

  5. Great idea, Margo. This is the time to make an appeal. I just donated three books to our high school library. Good luck with your drive.

  6. Thanks for all of the wishes for good luck! But what we really need are a few "clicks" on the "donate now" button! :) Of course, I say that with ALL the love in my heart!! ha. We are at ZERO so far.

  7. You can send your donated books directly to me at:

    Margo Kelly
    2825 E Castleberg Loop
    Nampa ID 83686

    Thank you!

  8. our shelves are usually picked over from donating at least twice a year to my sons' schools. so what are we going to do when everything is ebooks? =(

  9. It is great to hear how many people donate to their local school libraries on a regular basis!

    ebooks ... well, I'm sure it won't be long before every kid has an iPad with all of the lessons, textbooks, homework, etc. on it ... so digital books will be commonplace before long. *probably*

  10. Why don't they have enough books?

  11. I was happy to give $5 (It will show up under a different name.) Good luck with the donation drive.

    A-Z @ Elizabeth Twist

  12. Tonja - the HS library has a small budget, and it is used primarily for textbooks. The school doesn't even have enough textbooks!! So their shelves are very bare - especially when it comes to novels and nonfiction books.

    Elizabeth - THANKS!!! Yours is the first donation received!! YAY!!

  13. How amazing for you to use your "B" post for something great like this! Love it!

  14. Wishing you lots of success with this drive. I'm sure a lot of good will come of your efforts.

  15. That is awesome of you to do this! I hope you have lots of success and thanks for stopping by and following me

  16. LOVE your letter style for the A to Z. Fabulous idea. When my credit card and I are reunited after my hospital stay, I'll pop back to this post.

  17. This is a great idea Margo - thanks for the address. I will take a look at my shelves this weekend.

  18. Our local school won't take any of our donated books so I give them all to the library. Hope you get tons of books.

  19. Matched Elizabeth - Remo007 - best of luck with the book drive!

  20. Best of luck, Margo! I linked to your post. :)

  21. A huge thank you to everyone who is promoting this book drive and espeacially to Margo for putting it together on behalf of the CHS Library. I am so grateful for everyone who is participating and can't wait to see what we can all accomplish together on behalf of these kids.

  22. What a great idea to highlight this drive. The best of luck with it. It's sad that there isn't enough money these days to properly outfit a school.
