Friday, July 20, 2012

One Writing Tip

"Facing a moral choice is perhaps one of the most powerful conflicts any novel can present. ... For example, what if giving up on reaching a goal would not just be easy but would be rewarded? Worse, what if saving the day means sacrificing something of one's self? Worse still, what if that part of one's self up for offering has been hard won and is of high importance?"

-- Donald Maass (Writing the Breakout Novel, p. 238)


  1. Perfect post for me today as I deal with making things tougher for my protagonist.

  2. Excellent point. And my WIP actually has one...Woo-hoo!

  3. Fab quote, Margo. It fits in well with my eBook title. too :O)

  4. Yup, you got me doing a mental review or my WIP conflicts.... ok, got one.

  5. Great post and perfect points. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Great tip, for sure. I must be a big meanie, because I do love a tortured hero/ine, whose decisions are not as easy as 1-2-3.
