Monday, June 3, 2013

Children Leaving Home

Okay ... Now I'm feeling a bit weepy. While I am THRILLED that my mailbox today contained a letter from each of my boys ... the opening of my oldest boy's letter made me cry. I know he meant it as a funny little comment, but I'm a little "tender hearted" this last week.

Here's what he wrote:
"On the assumption that you shipped off Jacob, never to be seen again, how does it feel to get rid of another kid?"

Awful. It feels awful.
I know I'm supposed to be thrilled that they've chosen to spend the next two years of their lives serving others, but the idea of my children leaving home has hit me harder than I expected. I've really grown to love them so much. And I'm SURE you know people who rarely go back to visit their parents or family after leaving home, and I'm worried they won't come back to visit! :(

My daughter assures me that they will all come back to visit.

I hope so.

My daughter also told me (as she was giving me a hug) that I should be pleased that they're capable of leaving and going out to do good in the world.


But I'm still a little sad today. So here are some pictures:

Mitchell is on the right (with the dark tie). - This was his first baptism.

Mitchell sent me a picture to show me that he's trying to eat healthy. :) I told him to add some vegetables and spinach.
Jacob with some friends from college. Jacob is the one with the pink tie.
Jacob - always happy.

Katie with her Prom date.

Katie and her Prom date.



  1. Hi, Margo,

    I hope these pictures have put a smile on your face. Your kids look and sound like nice people.

  2. I understand what you're feeling.

    Yesterday my husband and I moved our son into an apartment--today he starts working toward his PhD. While he's excited to get started and I'm thrilled for him, we were both sad when we had to say "good-bye." We'll be doing the same thing in August for our daughter.

  3. :( Hang in there, Margo! I know you've prepared them well for this moment. You'll be amazed by what they do, and prouder than you've ever dreamed you could be when you see them start living their dreams and accomplishing those BIG life goals.

    I think the hardest part in watching people we love get older and move on is realizing that time is never truly our own, and there's never enough of it. But I'm guessing you've spent the time you've been given with your boys well (judging by the smiles and notes from them, it seems they'd agree) and you should take great comfort in that. :)

  4. Definitely something to feel proud about, Margo! They look great.

  5. Margo, be proud of the great job you did in raising your kids.

  6. Did I know you were LDS? That is so cool! Where is your son on his mission? My youngest is in Oregon Eugene Mission, comes home in 4 months. My last missionary.

    1. Your "last" missionary - - - how many have you sent out? I have one son serving in Tifton, Georgia, and another in Schenectady, New York. :)

  7. I feel your pain. My daughter and her new husband will be moving to Peru in July for about five years. I can't even think about it because it makes me feel so sad.

  8. Congratulations! I know it's painful, but oh so wonderful too. Missions go by fast and you will make it through! I can't believe my own mission was so long ago now!!

  9. Hi Margo. Love the one of 'happy' Jacob. And yes...Mom, they WILL come home and you can always visit them too :)

  10. Not to make you feel worse Margo, but my mission completely changed me and I only returned home for a year before the permanent move to the land of my mission. Luckily, I have a very loving and understanding mum!

    Duncan in Kuantan
    Kuantan nature photos

  11. You people are AWESOME! Thank you so much for your kind words!!! :)
