Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Book Review: SOUL OVER MATTER by Zhi Gang Sha and Adam Markel

Soul Over Matter: Ancient and Modern Wisdom and Practical Techniques to Create Unlimited AbundanceSoul Over Matter: Ancient and Modern Wisdom and Practical Techniques to Create Unlimited Abundance by Zhi Gang Sha

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Scroll down for my full review, but first, here is more information from the publisher:

Soul Over Matter: Ancient and Modern Wisdom and Practical Techniques to Create Unlimited Abundance 

By Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha and Adam Markel
Published by BenBella Books
Hardcover: 168 pages
July 12, 2016; $24.95 US/$32.50 CAN


Combine ancient Eastern and modern Western wisdom, mix in proven techniques from both a CEO and a legendary soul healer, and you get Soul Over Matter. Designed for readers at every level of economic experience, this book gives you a unique and powerful path to financial abundance.

Adam Markel, bestselling author, attorney and CEO of New Peaks, North America’s largest personal and business development company, shares inspiring life lessons and strategies to create abundance. World-renowned miracle soul healer, Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha reveals sacred and practical wisdom, including universal laws that everyone can apply to create abundance in every aspect of life: personal finances, business, relationships and more.

Destined to be the Think and Grow Rich of the 21st century, Soul Over Matter shares practical wisdom and easy-to-implement, proven techniques. In addition, Master Sha, who is a Tao master teacher of one-stroke calligraphy for transformational healing, provides two new calligraphies that carry extraordinary power to remove blockages to achieving lasting abundance. With these simple techniques, you’ll learn how to focus on your unique challenges and conquer them.

Soul Over Matter is the first financial advice book to focus on the role of soul in creating abundance. Whereas other books have hinted at the importance of connecting to universal laws to create abundance, Soul Over Matter is the first book to deliver the techniques to do so.
Discover how Soul Over Matter can change your relationship with money.


Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha is a world-renowned master healer and spiritual teacher. He is the founder of Soul Mind Body Medicine™. Trained as a conventional medical doctor in China and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in China and Canada, Master Sha is the founder of the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment™ and the Love Peace Harmony Foundation™, and a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including tai chi, qigong, kung fu, feng shui, and the I Ching.

Adam Markel is a bestselling author and CEO of New Peaks, one of the world’s largest integrative personal and business development companies. He is also an attorney and the author of the bestselling book Pivot: The Art & Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life. Adam has presented to more than 100,000 people around the world on how to live more balanced, healthy, and prosperous lives. Additionally, he’s been featured in Fox News, Entrepreneur, USA Today, The New York Observer, The New York Post, and The Wall Street Journal.


I was so excited to receive this book. I love non-fiction books that mesh eastern and western philosophies, and I was especially interested in this book because my husband and I are currently reevaluating our financial situation and looking for ways to improve it.

Imagine my disappointment when I read this line: “The root cause for financial lack is one’s negative personal karma and negative ancestral karma from all lifetimes” (page 36).

Wait. What?

“If you lack physical money, you do not have much good virtue [good karma] deposited in your Heaven’s virtue bank account” (page 45). Hmm. I couldn’t agree that Heaven intentionally withheld money from me. Unless, we had different definitions of Heaven. As I read, I felt myself getting defensive, and that famous Shakespeare quote popped into my head: “The lady doth protest too much.” And I had to pause. Maybe I was getting defensive, because I didn’t want to give validity to what I was reading. I didn’t want to think Heaven withheld monetary blessings from me.

Furthermore, I thought I knew what karma was and had strived to create positive karma in my life. But this book stated over, and over, and over again that “According to ancient wisdom, positive virtue [good karma] determines how much financial flourishing … a person enjoys” (page 110). This troubled me. I immediately started comparing myself to others who have a ton of money and asking myself, do they seriously have better karma than I do? But then I read more in the book, and imagine my surprise when I read that bad karma is created by “criticizing, condemning, judging, complaining … jealousy” (page 42). Oh. My. I was screwed.

So I continued reading, hoping to learn techniques to clear my bad karma. I’ve always been a fan of positive thinking, and I was excited to learn ways to improve myself. But rather than simply explaining the techniques, the middle of this book became repetitive and detail oriented. Instead of giving the reader the information only in English, the author gave the Chinese words and then translated them word by word and then finally strung the words into a sentence in English. I found myself skimming ahead, skipping the microscopic translations, to get to the full sentence in English. Maybe the chants were supposed to be done in Chinese because those specific vocal sounds created a specific vibration, but then that also made me stop to wonder, why couldn’t it work in English? If these were universal truths, shouldn’t the concept surpass language? I struggled with the ideas of chanting Chinese phrases and tracing specific pieces of calligraphy to improve my financial situation. Maybe I’m not enlightened enough to grasp the concept. (Probably, and I certainly mean no disrespect to the authors and their personal beliefs.)

While there were things that I disagreed with in the text, I loved finding the simple truths in this book that broke through all barriers. When something is true, it’s true everywhere.

Here are a few of the beautiful, simple truths I found in this book:

“One of the primary principles of both mind over matter and soul over matter is that you must have a “why” in what you do that benefits others. The more you serve others, the more you are likely to receive” (page 6).

“If our thoughts of scarcity and, as a result, our words of scarcity are habitual, then scarcity itself is also habitual” (page 10).

“The greatest danger when things go wrong isn’t the thing going wrong, but your judgment of yourself in the situation. … But the cause, the response, the behavior, the resolution—they all matter less than how you treat yourself in their wake … you take failure personally … that perception is also what slows you down. It stops you from trying something new. From taking risks. From doing things that are intuitive. That failure phobia stops you from taking a moment to listen to that inner voice, the whisper of your soul, saying Try something different” (page 18-19).

“Ultimately, the purpose of the physical journey is to serve the soul journey. This is the greatest wisdom that many spiritual seekers are searching for” (page 122).

“When you narrow your focus to only the obstacles and not the opportunities, there’s nowhere else to go but where you’re already headed … you have to be willing to look away from the obstacle. You need to have the presence of mind—the mindfulness—to direct your energy away from the negative, toward where or what it is that you want” (page 132).

Overall, I highly recommend this book. Regardless of whether you believe in karma and reincarnation, or not, if you are open-minded, you will appreciate the universal truths found in this book. It was very well written, eye opening, and thought provoking.

[My thanks to FSB Associates for sending me a free copy for review. This did not influence my opinion at all.]

View all my reviews

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July 20 = National Lollipop Day

With all the turmoil in the world, let's take a minute to enjoy something sweet.

That's right! July 20th is recognized as National Lollipop Day (a colorful, enjoyable, and unofficial U.S. holiday of sorts).

Here are a few interesting tidbits (according to my brief research) about the sweet treat:

In 2012 See's Candies made the world's largest lollipop weighing in at 7000 pounds.

The original lollipop machine manufactured 40 lollipops per minute while modern machines make nearly 6000 per minute.

The true origin of the candy on a stick is debatable, but many give credit to George Smith, who trademarked the name lollipop in 1931. It's believed he named the candy after a horse he admired.

There are some "adult only" lollipops that contain various ingredients such as alcohol, dietary aids, and INSECTS. Blech.

In 1939 the Wizard of Oz movie introduced us to the Lollipop Guild.

In 1969 Tootsie Roll gave us the commercial asking, "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?"

But of course the best thing about National Lollipop Day is this video with Shirley Temple singing, "On the Good Ship Lollipop":

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Enter to Win an Early Copy of UNLOCKED

In case you missed the news - - - there is a giveaway going on over at YA Books Central for three Advance Reader Copies (signed) of UNLOCKED. Hop on over there to enter to win! ;)

Monday, July 11, 2016

Cover Reveal: REMEMBER YESTERDAY by @pintipdunn

This #CoverReveal today is brought to you by YaReads Blog Tours and YA Interrobang! The cover first appeared over at the YA Interrobang site and you can click here to see that post.

I'm excited to share the FANTASTIC cover for Remember Yesterday by my author pal, Pintip Dunn! You can check out the gorgeous cover below!

Remember Yesterday -eBook

Book Title: Remember Yesterday (Forget Tomorrow, #2)

Author: Pintip Dunn

Release Date: October 4, 2016

Genre: YA Sci-Fi

Sixteen-year-old Jessa Stone is the most valuable citizen in Eden City. Her psychic abilities could lead to significant scientific discoveries, if only she’d let TechRA study her. But ten years ago, the scientists kidnapped and experimented on her, leading to severe ramifications for her sister, Callie. She’d much rather break into their labs and sabotage their research—starting with Tanner Callahan, budding scientist and the boy she loathes most at school.

The past isn’t what she assumed, though—and neither is Tanner. He’s not the arrogant jerk she thought he was. And his research opens the door to the possibility that Jessa can rectify a fatal mistake made ten years earlier. She’ll do anything to change the past and save her sister—even if it means teaming up with the enemy she swore to defeat.

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ForgetTomorrow_500Forget Tomorrow (Forget Tomorrow, #1) Book Synopsis:

Imagine a world where your destiny has already been decided…by your future self.

It’s Callie’s seventeenth birthday and, like everyone else, she’s eagerly awaiting her vision―a memory sent back in time to sculpt each citizen into the person they’re meant to be. A world-class swimmer. A renowned scientist.

Or in Callie’s case, a criminal.

In her vision, she sees herself murdering her gifted younger sister. Before she can process what it means, Callie is arrested and placed in Limbo―a prison for those destined to break the law. With the help of her childhood crush, Logan, a boy she hasn’t spoken to in five years, she escapes the hellish prison.

But on the run from her future, as well as the government, Callie sets in motion a chain of events that she hopes will change her fate. If not, she must figure out how to protect her sister from the biggest threat of all—Callie, herself.



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Pintip cropped

Pintip Dunn graduated from Harvard University, magna cum laude, with an A.B. in English Literature and Language. She received her J.D. at Yale Law School, where she was an editor of the YALE LAW JOURNAL. She also published an article in the YALE LAW JOURNAL, entitled, “How Judges Overrule: Speech Act Theory and the Doctrine of Stare Decisis,”

Pintip is represented by literary agent Beth Miller of Writers House. Her debut novel, Forget Tomorrow, is a finalist in the Best First Book category of RWA’s RITA® contest. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Washington Romance Writers, YARWA, and The Golden Network.
She lives with her husband and children in Maryland. You can learn more about Pintip and her books at

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

#IWSG: Writers Supporting Writers

One of the things I love about the Insecure Writer's Support Group is that on a regular basis (at least once a month) we take a minute out of our busy lives to communicate with each other by sharing helpful words of encouragement on our blogs, commenting on others' posts, and by sharing good news with each other.

On the first Wednesday of each month, the group members write a post and other members hop around to read and comment on the posts. To view the list of participants, and even join the group, CLICK HERE!

My big news this month, is the cover reveal for my next book, UNLOCKED.

I would love any extra support from the IWSG to give the news a boost on social media. Here are some simple ways you can help:

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Thanks for your support. I love this group. Writers are amazing. Let me know what I can do to return the favor and support your writing efforts!

Happy writing!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Fourth of July!

Despite all the current political turmoil, we still live in a great country. My dad served in the navy and he was very protective of our country and the way in which people spoke about it. At his funeral, they played his all-time favorite patriotic song: Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA"

Here's a video clip of the song:

Happy Fourth of July.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Gardening: Raspberries and the Red-Neck Cane-Boring Beetle

Disclaimer: I am not a gardening expert. I have no formal education or training in this area. I only have hands-on experience, personal research, and common sense. ;) With that in mind, let's talk about berries! YAY! (and bugs. blech.)

I love fresh berries. In my garden patch, I have raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries. Last year, late in the season, I noticed that some of the raspberry canes had been hollowed out. As a result the berries that branched off those canes shriveled and died before ripening. I researched it a bit last year, but I figured the season was over and the winter cold would kill off any pesky pests. So I didn't worry about it too much.

This year, however, I saw this critter:

photo credit:

A red-neck cane-boring beetle. Sounds bad. The thing is, I only ever saw ONE of these beetles. But I saw a lot of his (and his friends') damage. They were hollowing out the older canes in my raspberry patch.

Sometimes the holes were huge and obvious. Other times the holes were tiny.

So I began researching ... online and at the local garden store and with local gardening experts. The experts all seemed to agree that the only option was to cut out all of the damaged canes and spray poison on the entire patch to kill the infestation of cane-boring beetles. "Infestation" ... what? I only saw ONE beetle, but the experts told me my patch was infested and I needed to sacrifice the crop. Spraying the poison would not only kill the beetles, but it would also make the berries inedible. Well. I wasn't ready to lose the crop. It was a huge crop. PLUS, my raspberries were right next to my blackberries.

And I was really looking forward to an amazing crop of blackberries this year. So I did more research. My online research found a handful of organic gardening sites that explained my other option: hard work. If I chose to not use poison, I would have to check the canes daily for damage, cut out the entire damaged cane, and discard it - removing it completely from the garden area. I went with that option. It has been a lot of work. And I discovered that the beetles mostly go after the older canes that I had pruned last fall. I also noticed that the bush would grow leaves over the ends of the canes in an attempt at self-preservation. 

Together, the raspberry bush and I worked hard to preserve and harvest the crop. When I'd go out to pick berries, I'd take an empty paint can and wear it at my hip, secured by an old belt. By having the can hanging at my side, I could then use both hands to pick berries. That process made it much easier for me to pick efficiently.

Ladybugs were terrific little helpers in the garden. They ate the aphids and helped keep the bush healthy.

Because I chose to work extra hard in the garden, I've enjoyed a lot of delicious fresh berries this season. However, now that the season is nearing it's end (we had an early season this year), I've decided cut the patch down and spray poison.

There were more damaged raspberry canes than I had realized, and I also discovered that those pesky little beetles had drilled into the canes near the bases - at the sides - not just at the top of the pruned cane. I haven't sprayed poison yet, because my organic gardening instincts tell me not to do it. However, I'm concerned if we have another mild winter, the beetles will be even worse next year if I don't deal with it completely now.

Are you a gardening expert? Any advice to share? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below. 

I'll post an update down the road. I intend to protect and harvest my blackberries this season. Wish me luck! Until then ...

Happy gardening!