Monday, February 6, 2017

Interview: Authors on the Air Radio

Today, I had GREAT fun doing an hour-long radio interview with Laura Moe.

We talked about:
* Book Covers
* The DARK SIDE of our psyches
* How reading allows us to experience dangerous things without harming ourselves
* Reading creates empathy for others
* Reading validates us personally
* Youthful fascination with the possibility of anything
* Bringing our own perceptions and filters to a story
* What inspired the story UNLOCKED
* Dangers of hypnosis
* Research process behind UNLOCKED
* Suspending disbelief for the reader
* "7 Things I've Learned So Far" (an article I wrote for Writer's Digest)
* A first manuscript is a learning process and a necessary step on the path to publication
* Editing and revising our own work
* Value of community and synergy
* Writing processes
* The thrilling giddiness of getting published
* How to give a book a boost
* My current work-in-progress
* My advice to aspiring writers: "Write, write, write, and then when you're not writing, read, read, read."

Here's the link to the recording (there's a little blank spot in the middle, but keep listening, it's kind of funny -- then it's crackly for a couple of minutes but it clears up) ...

Authors on the Air Radio: An Interview Margo Kelly


If you work in television or radio and would like to interview me, simply shoot me an email at margokelly1 @ outlook . com (without the spaces) and we'll set it up. I'm also happy to come and speak with your group in person. For more information, click on the "appearance" tab at the top of this site.


  1. Wow - quite the plethora of topics! I listened to the interview while I worked on my computer.

    I was asked my opinion when they were designing the cover of my Merit Press novel, Wanted: Dead or In Love, but I love how you explained the reason for "not" consulting with the author. They want to make sure the reader gets the "feeling" of the novel, not an actual depiction.

    I didn't notice the black inky swirl in the background until after you mentioned it. Very cool!

    Super fun! Go Merit Press authors!!! :)

    1. Oh, yes. Now, I recall reading a piece you'd written about the design of your cover. I'd forgotten. I think Elisa Nader had significant input on her cover as well. YAY for books!
