Wednesday, June 7, 2017

#IWSG: Should You Quit Writing?

The first Wednesday of the month is Insecure Writer's Support Group!

The question posed this month by IWSG: "Did you ever say 'I quit'? If so, what happened to make you come back to writing?"

I have not said, "I quit" to writing. I don't think I could, because writing lives deep within my bones. However, I have certainly stepped away from writing for various reasons and for various lengths of time. For me, if I feel the need to step away I will turn either to another creative activity (such as quilting) or a physical activity (such as gardening) or an escapist activity (such as reading). Usually, the time away lifts the fog that was hindering my writing insight, and I return feeling rejuvenated.

So . . . should YOU quit writing? I've heard many long-time writers say, IF you can quit, then quit, because a writer's life can be challenging. However, if writing is in your bones, my guess is that quitting is not an option. There's a compulsion to write. My advice? Step away when you need to clear the fog. Try a different creative outlet, a physical activity, or read something inspiring. Then get back to work.

Happy writing.


  1. I think that's some of the best advice I've read. It's true, if it's in your bones, you will come back. Again, and again, and again. =) Cheese to you!

  2. Yup. I've never really quit, but I have taken long sabbaticals. Sometimes many years.

  3. Quitting isn't an option for me, but I do say it from time to time.

  4. I like the phrase, "if writing is in your bones." That really speaks to being a writer.

  5. Can't quit. Life would change too much.

  6. As a musician, I have other creative outlets, so it's more like stepping away than quitting.

  7. I've read people talk about quitting dozens of times today, but you were the first to phrase it as "SHOULD you quit." No, I don't think anyone should quit writing (or any creative endeavour) but I do think everyone should ask themselves WHY they are doing it and what they hope to get out of it. I think that's the part that many people are missing.

    IWSG June
