Tuesday, October 2, 2018

#IWSG: Do Major Life Events Affect Your Writing?

Time for our monthly post in The Insecure Writer's Support Group. If you've not heard of it before, check out the complete details by clicking here.

The purpose of the group is "to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!"

This Month's Question: How do major life events affect your writing? 

My Answer: Ugh. 

Seriously. The current national events have made me not only lose writing time, but I've also lost sleep and peace of mind. People have become so mean lately. People I've known and respected for years are suddenly sharing opinions that have left me dumbfounded. I've had trouble verbalizing how I truly feel about it all. When I've tried to write about it, I've been at a loss. Then, another video aired. This time: mockery of a sexual assault victim.

Maybe, one day, I'll be better able to articulate how I feel about the current events happening in our nation. Right now, this is all I have to say:

RAINN (the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization) has tips regarding how to speak to and treat sexual assault victims. Mockery is NOT acceptable. Be sensitive and speak with kindness. You don't know what others have experienced in their lives. For more information, visit the RAINN website: https://www.rainn.org/

Maybe next week more writing will be accomplished. Maybe next week people will be nicer to each other. Maybe we can each strive to be the reason someone else smiles, today. Don't wait for next week. 


  1. It's all so convoluted at this time. If something is rehashed from 30 years ago, it's a, he said, she said, and it drives me crazy. While it makes me boiling mad and scary, if nothing severe happened, it's past time to let it go. I believe we all have been through a lewd whistle, comment, and, I've had an unwanted touch. But I didn't go ballistic and send the creep to jail. However, if it's attempted rape, or rape that's a totally different charge. And the bast@&d should rot in prison.

    1. Also, I would never mock or speak rudely to a victim. Past or present. We recently went through something with my daughter.

    2. Convoluted is a good word for this mess our country is in right now.

  2. I'm fed up with everyone trying to bring people down - rehashing past crap or making stuff up. So divided. So sad.

    1. I feel like we've lost our compassion as a country. It is so sad. It affects me more than I can explain.

  3. I hate watching the news anymore so I don't. What happened to civility in politics?

    1. What happened to civility, period? I just want people to be nice to each other again!! I hate people being mean to each other. :( Thanks for your comment!
