While writing novels remains my primary focus, I'm often asked if I offer coaching and editorial services. Yes, I do. Details are below. Feel free to email me at margokelly1 @ outlook . com (without the spaces) to ask additional questions and make arrangements to propel your manuscript to the next level.
One-on-One Coaching :: $100 per hour
In person, online, or over the phone, we’ll discuss where you are on your writer’s journey and where you’d like to be. After clearly defining your goals, I’ll offer step-by-step guidelines for you to achieve them. ***I am not currently accepting new clients for coaching.***
Query Critique :: $35
Once your manuscript is polished and you’re ready to seek an agent, I’ll review your query letter and offer suggestions to catch the interest of literary agents. This package includes a second evaluation after you’ve made changes.
Synopsis Analysis :: $120
Many agents and editors require a synopsis with your manuscript submission. I’ll point you in the right direction before you begin, and then I’ll critique your finished synopsis (up to four single-spaced pages).
Submission Package :: $250
This evaluation includes thorough line-edits of your entire submission package, including your query letter, synopsis, and the first 30 pages of your manuscript.
First 100 Page Assessment :: $350
If you’re not certain about your manuscript or its potential, having your first 100 pages critiqued may help give you the direction you need. I’ll provide a detailed line-by-line edit, pointing out grammar and punctuation issues as well as addressing big-picture ideas regarding character, plot, and setting. (I require standard formatting of your pages, including double-spacing and 12-point font.)
Reader Report :: $750
I’ll read your entire manuscript (up to 85,000 words) and provide at least a two-page written evaluation of your overarching ideas, including characters, plot, setting, voice, and theme. This package does not include a line-edit.
Full Manuscript Edit (up to 85,000 words) :: $1,000
With this comprehensive service, I’ll read your entire manuscript, providing line-edits and an editorial letter addressing the big-picture ideas. Manuscripts must be formatted according to industry standards. (Manuscripts over 85,000 words will be charged at $0.013 per word.)
Complete Package :: $2,100
Starting with a Reader Report*, I’ll offer an evaluation of your overarching ideas and discuss next steps in a one-on-one coaching appointment. Then after you’ve revised your manuscript, I’ll provide a Full Manuscript Edit*. Finally, after you’ve polished your manuscript, I’ll evaluate your Submission Package* before you query agents and editors. (*Read descriptions above for what’s included.)