Wednesday, December 4, 2019

IWSG: Future Self

December's Question: Let's play a game. Imagine. Role-play. How would you describe your future writer self, your life and what it looks and feels like if you were living the dream? Or if you are already there, what does it look and feel like? Tell the rest of us. What would you change or improve?

My Answer: Wow. What a question! Honestly, my knee-jerk reaction to this question is I hope to have contentment, but then I immediately know that when I feel content, I don't strive as hard for improvement. So . . . to describe my future writer self . . . I hope to constantly be striving to improve my skills as a writer and as a story teller while enjoying the fruits of my labors. "Fruits" being conversations with readers, visits to schools, talking with book clubs, books under contract, waking up each morning excited to write a new scene . . .

The future is bright!

What about you? What does your future look like while you're "living the dream"?


  1. Waking up each morning excited to write a new that's a lovely dream!

  2. I think that would be quite fun (and a bit scary) to talk with a book club about my books. Great thing to imagine for my future writerly self.

  3. That sounds like a wonderful future to me.

  4. Very true - we have it all, then there's no need to push harder. Excellent answer.

  5. Can’t have anything better in life than contentment - it says it all 🌹Happy new decade 🤗

  6. And I love that ending comment: Wake up each morning, eager to write the next scene! What great motivation! May the coming year bring you many such mornings!

  7. Waking up each morning excited to write a new that's a lovely dream! Can’t have anything better in life than contentment - it says it all 🌹Happy new decade 🤗 Read More
