Monday, February 3, 2014

A Quote for Inspiration


“To write a breakout novel is to run free of the pack. It is to delve deeper, think harder, revise more, and commit to creating characters and plot that surpass one’s previous accomplishments. It is to say “no” to merely being good enough to be published. It is a commitment to quality” – Donald Maass (Writing the Breakout Novel, p.12).

Do you have a favorite writing quote to share?


  1. Difficult to top this one, I think! (If something comes to mind, I'll return.)

  2. A shortened version of one I posted Wednesday from Strunk: "...writing should be precise...every word [should] tell."

    Thanks for the quote!

  3. I enjoyed reading the quote.

    I can't think right now of another- it's still very early for me. But I'm hoping to write today, so it helps to try and do my best.

    Have a great day Margo.

  4. I'm awake now!

    Here's a quote I heard on the Anderson Cooper TV show this morning.

    "We are not here on earth to see through others...but to see others through."

    Happy writing to you!

  5. A "commitment to quality"... like the sound of that. I think as long as we keep striving in each story we write, we'll get there. Fingers crossed!

  6. Well, this isn't exactly a quote - I saw it on a t-shirt:

    "Even if it's crap, get it on the page."

    Maybe not inspiring but it's a good starting place, do you think?

  7. Striving to make my current work as good as, or better than, my last book is always in my thoughts. Here's wishing you the best of everything for 2012.

  8. Just say No to good enough!! Love it.

  9. My own quote to myself when I'm not sure about writing something is, "Be yourself, Belle."

  10. If there was a like button for blog entries, I would have clicked it. This rocks.

    One of my favorite quotes is this: "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."
    - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  11. I just read a line today that can be applied to writing ... The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary!

    Hard works brings success :)

  12. I love that quote! May we all strive to write breakout novels. Gee...I have that book and I haven't read it yet. Time to do it, pretty soon!!!

  13. Not exactly a writing quote but I sure do love it. "Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you may still exist, but you have ceased to live" - Mark Twain.

  14. Great quote! I like this one: You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you. ~Ray Bradbury
